I’m definitely not a fan when it comes to zombies, but this week was unusual. I was successfully tricked by my cousins to partake in what they claimed to be a very exciting ‘not to be missed’ virtual reality game, only to find out at the game briefing that it involves killing and getting killed by my ‘beloved’ zombies!
Me writing this note is without doubt a proof of my survival and the team’s victory in finding the cure and terminating the walking corpses! My hunch is…perhaps I survived to share this really useful reminder that I received from this entire experience.
Alright, so back to reality!
As terrified and spooked out as I was to enter the land of Zombies, all of a sudden I wanted to laugh at myself when I realized how irrational I was being. None of this game is even real! It’s just an illusion. So what’s the learning here?
Connecting this back to the ‘real’ life, I couldn’t help but notice…how many times do we fear making a decision, taking action or attempting a dream because we imagine and overthink all that could possibly go wrong? If we bring our attention back to the present moment…that assumed scenario doesn’t even exist. It’s just a story we tell ourself and a belief we choose to associate with, isn’t it? Worse still…repeated immersion in these thoughts trains our mind and brain to actually make it happen. After all it just follows instructions.
Of course we are not talking about obvious dangers like possibility of death by jumping off a cliff unequipped. But certainly about the unrealistic fears and apprehensions that keep us from moving ahead to achieve what we truly want. The point isn’t to overcome a certain resistance because someone asked you to – peer pressure is definitely not the way to go! Do it because you want to and you know in your heart that your life would be a different level of awesome if only you could overcome this obstacle.
So now that we cracked the code and found the cure, why not associate ourself with thoughts, emotions and beliefs that would work for us? I will leave you with my top 3 learnings from the experience…
1. Believe only in the desired outcome, and reject any other possibilities rising out of unrealistic or irrational fear. Switch to – What can go right?
2. Quiet the mind by being fully immersed in the present. Solutions will magically flow when needed.
3. Power of community: A supportive, positive, diverse and non-judgemental community is the most powerful and essential tool for our collective progress. Side tip – it also helps beat procrastination.
Life to a great extent is a manifestation of our perception. So next time if you feel held back by a certain resistance, just ask yourself…is this even real? If not, what do you wish to create?