Have you ever kept track of the number of times you consciously or unconsciously slip into negative thinking & negative self talk?
Well I caught myself doing that couple of times…that’s what makes us human, isn’t it? I would say yes, and I will add on that it is because we are human, we have the power and ability to shift that!
Lower vibration thinking pulls our energy, state of mind and results down. If you notice yourself going lower, do this simple transmutation task which will change the way you perceive yourself, as well as boost self confidence & thought clarity. Here are some examples…
Lower vibration:
I am great at this BUT…
Higher vibration:
I am great at this and I could refine it by…
Lower vibration:
I wish I was as good as….
Higher vibration:
I really admire this quality in him/her. What can I learn from them?
*Note – You don’t have to be them. Take inspiration and drive it using your natural strengths.
Lower vibration:
I am stuck and going nowhere with this….
Higher vibration:
Let me find a way to tackle this and seek help from someone who can guide me through this.
Try this out for a week and gradually for a month and more to experience the shift. I look forward to hear about your progress 🙂